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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

3rd Trimester.

(Meant to post this yesterday but we got home late and I was starving so I ate instead of blogging. So sue me!)

But yeah, so yesterday I hit 27 weeks and the beginning of the 3rd trimester. I can't believe how quickly time is flying. Thankfully, everything is going really well.

Last weekend, I had a hard time sleeping. I went to bed at 10:45, but sleep would just NOT come. And then around 1:30 or so, Oliver decided to take up kickboxing as a hobby. He kept me up like that for about another hour, the little stinker!

Mr. Olive and I have been sorting baby clothes and picking up some sweet onsies here and there. And soon, work on the nursery will commence. We're picking up some paint chips tonight. :)


  1. My mom was asking about you last night...she wants pictures! Can you post some?

  2. There's a whole series on FB that you can show her! :)
