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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Houston, we have a heartbeat!

Mr. Olive and I went today for our 3rd prenatal appointment. It went just fine; both OliveBaby and I are doing quite well. I still haven't gained weight but I managed to eat a whole burger for lunch today without getting nauseated. So I anticipate that weight gain will start pretty soon!

But anyway, most importantly! We were able to hear the heartbeat! Our last appointment, at 13 weeks, the midwife was unable to pick it up with the doppler. This time however, she barely had the wand on my belly and the room was filled with a strong, steady "WHOMP WHOMP WHOMP!" 146 bpm. :)

My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe how strong it was! Mr. Olive, true to form, got all teared up. He also managed to snag a sound clip with his phone, which I have been listening too all afternoon. And as soon as I can figure out how to upload it, I'll be sharing it here! (If I even can!)

We also got the paperwork to schedule our BIG ultrasound. So we'll be doing that tomorrow, and we'll have to decide pretty soon if we want to find out OliveBaby's gender. My mother-in-law (MIL) says she thinks it's a boy based on the sound of the heartbeat, but wants to consult her colleagues. (aka, friends!)

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